If there's one thing that Dua Lipa/Dula Peep/Duo Lingo's dream woman (IYKYK) is known for, it's her incredible dark fluffy 'brows. That is, of course, if we're factoring out her incredible singing and newly-found dancing skills. She really is killin' the game.

Having said that, just when we thought we'd seen all the eyebrow glam Dua had to offer (it's a lot, but I certainly ain't complaining), she's only gone and posted yet another phenom' Instagram selfie. This time though, it's not her brows that we're gushing over because, instead, she's sporting overlined lips. As the superstar famously once song herself: "mwah!".

In the IG carousel, Dua is serving seven different pictures and videos – six of her incredible self and one of a calculator to represent how many people have seen her tour so far (a casual 837,246, in case you wondered). But I digress – the one picture we can't stop looking at is Dua's selfie video, complete with said overlined lips. Just take a look for yourself:

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Would you just look at that pout?! *Insert all the heart eye emojis*.

Looking at the gradient of the vid, we do have to acknowledge that it may be filtered and it's no secret that the pop star has a naturally fuller lip than most (most being me). But we can clearly see that Miss Lipa's lipliner has been overdrawn above her natural lip line.

Shelby Smith (Dua's MUA), I'm calling you out. Please, please, PLEASE can you provide us with that long-awaited makeup tutorial?! I need to know what this lip combo is, ASAP.

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Lia Mappoura
Beauty Assistant

 Lia Mappoura (she/her) is the Beauty Assistant at Cosmopolitan UK. Covering everything from viral celebrity hair and makeup news to the latest trend predictions, she’s an expert in recognising the season’s next big beauty look (before it ends up all over your social media feeds). You’ll usually find her putting TikTok’s recent beauty hacks to the Hype Test, challenging the gender-makeup binary and social stereotypes, or fangirling over the time Kourtney Kardashian viewed her Instagram Story (yes, it’s true). Find her also on LinkedIn.